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Alternative Living Room Ideas

Modern lounge room idea. Sofa with colored pillows on stripped carpet in large room with bookcase. 3D render

Turn that Wasted Room into Useful Space

Empty Space. You probably walk by it every day without even thinking about it; that one room in your home that doesn’t really serve a purpose. There’s probably a couch or coffee table there, with hopeful plans to make it into a nicer place for guests to walk into when they first enter your home. But alas, plans get pushed back and that room remains a common room that lacks personality. Now may be the time to decorate your living room and remodel it in a way that makes use of all that extra space you have. You can turn your living room into a family room, or explore other alternative living room ideas. Giving practical use to your household’s rooms will bring the family closer together and as well as improving your home’s appearance.

Alternative Living Room Ideas: Entertainment Area

A great way to spruce up your living room is by examining things you’d like to change. Do you have kids that often leave toys out or are constantly playing games, watching tv, and rough housing? If this is the case, then a creative alternate living room idea would be to create an entertainment room that organizes all of these appliances. This will make the room a great playroom with plenty of ways to interact with the family and guests. By adding more cabinets and chests to keep things organized, you can add storage to your home. And at the end of the day, you’ll have a spot for everything to return to so that the space doesn’t feel cluttered and messy!

Alternative Living Rooms Ideas: Romantic Area

If you’d rather your room serve a calmer purpose, consider this alternative living room idea to liven up your marriage: remodel your room to appear more romantic and cozy. Using a warm color palette, soft, comfortable loveseats, and decorative pillows is an easy way to create a romantic space for you and your significant other. Consider installing a wine rack or a fireplace to keep the atmosphere light and affectionate. Feel free to add dimmed lighting, freshly candles, and any other cliche additions that will fill your space with love. This way, you’ll have a special place for date night or movie night with your special someone.

Alternative Living Room Ideas: Fitness Room

Another wonderful alternative living room idea is for those looking to avoid after-work traffic at the gym: remodeling your empty space into a workout room is a must. Create your own workout space that you can use on those nights you don’t feel like going out for a run. Whether or not you have proper equipment, you can purchase your own set of weights and yoga mats for muscle training at home. You can also decorate your walls with personalized motivational messages or even set up a calendar for specific workouts to keep you on track. Cabinets can become drawers for your workout gear, clothing, and shoes. Instead of the cold sterile environment of the gym, you can paint your room more comforting colors that inspire you to stay active.

Turn These Alternative Living Room Ideas into Reality

If perhaps any of these ideas have inspired you to remodel and refresh a room in your home, it may be time to look into hiring professional help! Receive helpful advice from experienced workers who know how to tie everything together in one room. Fix My House can assist you in deciding what color schemes to follow and finding appliances that are high quality but within your budget. Whether you decide to make it into a family room or a more personalized room for yourself, make that extra space in your house worth something! We’ll be here to support and help you every step of the way.