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5 Desert Landscaping Plants to Spice Up Your Empty Backyard

desert landscaping plants

When moving into a new home or trying to remodel an old one, you may have a vast amount of empty space in your backyard that begins to look like an eyesore the more you look at it. But what do you fill this space with? There’s only so much you can do with an Arizonan backyard due to the climate and available landscaping options. Fortunately, there are so many landscaping that compliment Arizona’s weather and soil! With the help of someone who can help you design and decorate your backyard, these plants will make your outdoor area stand out! Here is why desert plants are a great choice for backyard landscaping:

Desert Landscaping Plants Are Low Maintenance

When it comes to backyard landscaping, you want something that will have a long lifespan and not wilt away a week after you plant them. That’s the wonderful thing about desert plants, they require very little water so you don’t have to have an elaborate sprinkler system set up. It’s also in their nature to prosper in warm weather and plants like the Saguaro Cactus or Ocotillo are expected to live for at least 100 years. This ensures you that once planting these desert landscaping plants, you won’t have to worry about them withering away under the hot sun and that these particular plants are best for your backyard because they’re meant to thrive under these conditions! Just make sure you never over-water them as that could damage the plants natural cycle of growth.

Desert Plants and Floral

Mariposa Lily

If you’re a floral person looking for a wonderful arrangement to make your backyard pop with color and beauty, then wildflowers would be a great option for you! Flowers like the Apache Plume, Golden Suncup, or Mariposa Lily can bring a warm gradient to gravel or grass in your backyard. There are endless color options and these flowers are perfect for surviving off of the brief showers that Arizona receives along with occasional watering from you during the warmer months! Their fantastic bloom is something that is eye catching to locals and visitors alike as a trademark of Arizona’s unique backyard landscaping.

How to Arrange Desert Plants

While ordering desert landscaping plants is a simple task, figuring out where to plant them and how to arrange them is a more complex process. Having a professional assist you in your backyard landscaping adventure will help you pick out the right plants that will compliment your backyard space. Landscapers at Fix My House can show you what the best places to put them based on location, soil, sunlight intake, and how they will affect your other backyard appliances (no one wants to be cleaning pods or flowers out of their pool!). Find out how to remodel your backyard correctly before summer starts!