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Mount a Flat Screen TV to a Wall

mount flat screen tv

So you’ve finally made the big move of purchasing a flat screen TV and you’re ready to watch it and all it’s high definition glory. But first, you have to hang it up! When you have to mount a flat screen TV, you’re going to need to have a kit, tools, and a place to store wires and cables. Your experience may also depending on whether you have a plaster or brick wall. Here is a step by step breakdown to help you get that TV mounted and ready for some heavy binge-watching.

Equipment Needed to Mount a Flat Screen TV

Attaching the Mounting Bracket to TV

Your first task is going to require you to find the mounting holes on the back of your new TV and you may have to unscrew the plastic caps that cover these holes. You’ll also use your screwdriver to attach the mounting arm bolts and make sure not to over-tighten anything. Your brackets should be level with one another before you set your TV aside with the screen facing upward.

Find Anchors & Drill In Your TV Mount

You have to find a wall anchor that can support your mount, otherwise you will not be able to drill into it or your mount will fall and possibly damage your flat screen TV. Use the stud finder to locate two studs that you can hang use to mount a flat screen TV. Mark their location with a pencil and use a power drill to install the wall brackets. These brackets need to be level and if your kit comes with lag bolts you will need to use a socket wrench to drive them in.

Connect Cables & Hang Flat Screen TV

Many people generally find that it’s easier to connect cables before mounting a flat screen TV. Once you have done this you can lock your TV’s mounting arms into the wall bracket and secure the connections according to the kit’s manual.


Building Storage to Hold Your Wires

One of the easiest ways to hide your TV cables and wires is to shorten them by using twist or cable ties so that there is no excess cord getting tangled with other cables. One TV wire storage idea is to install a small drawer or box behind or under your entertainment system that hides all power cords and loose cords. You can install smaller wall mounts that redirect loose wires to this cupboard area and you’ll no longer have to deal with the eyesore that is tangled and exposed wires.

Flat Screen TV Installation Help

There’s no doubt that breaking or damaging your new TV would ruin your day. To mount a flat screen TV can put a lot of stress on your shoulders if you’ve never mounted a TV before or you’re attempting to do it alone. Fix My House is determined to help you install any new appliances that will keep your home feeling refreshed and updated. We can hide those pesky wires so your TV area isn’t a cluttered mess.